03 September 2018

Whoever uses the spirit that is
in him creatively is an artist. To
make living itself an art, that is the goal
― Henry Miller

03 August 2018

Everyone onceonce only. Just once and no more.
And we also once, Never again. But this having been
once, although only once, to have been of the earth,
seems irrevocable.

Neither childhood nor future
grows less...surplus of existence
welling up in my heart.

Rainer Marie Rilke
The Ninth Elegy
Duino Elegies

23 June 2018

Image result for now

Was Is

Was = is

What was


What wasn't

never was

(and isn't).

The friend that isn't


Everything, everything

happens at the same time

and that time is now.


27 May 2018

Rather than hold his hands properly
arched off the keys, like cats
with their backs up,
Monk, playing block chords,
hit the keys with his fingertips well
above his wrists,
shoulders up, wrists down

You can be a genius and be sane.